'죽기전에사랑하자'에 해당되는 글 11건

  1. 2008.04.22 I don't want that happen again by 구름따라
사용자 삽입 이미지

I don't want that happen again...
I remember once when I was young and I was coming back from some place, a movie
or something, I was on the subway… There was a girl sitting across from me, and
she was wearing this dress that was buttoned clear up right to here. She was the
most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And I was shy then. So when she would look
at me, I'd look away. Then afterwards, when I would look back, she would look aw
ay. Then I got to where I was gonna get off and I got off, the doors closed, and
as the train was pulling away, she looked right at me, and gave me the most incr
edible smile. It was awful. I wanted to tear the doors open. I went back every n
ight, same time, for 2 weeks. But she never showed up. That was 30 years ago, an
d I don't think that there's a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I
don't want that happen again… Just one dance?
Gage, from [Indecent Proposal]

어릴 때 있었던 일이오. 영화를 본 뒤였나… 하여간에 집으로 돌아오던 길에 전철을
탔었소. 맞은 편에 어떤 여자애가 앉아 있었는데… 단추를 여기까지 채운 옷을 입고
있었지. 그 때까지 그렇게 이쁜 여자애를 본적 없었소. 그때 난 꽤 소심했기 때문에
그 여자애가 나를 쳐다보면 눈길을 돌려버렸소. 그리고 내가 그 여자애를 쳐다보면,
이번엔 그애가 딴청을 부리는 거야. 그러다가 내릴 때가 돼서 내렸지. 전철문이 닫히
는데 그 여자애는 세상에서 가장 아름다운 미소를 지어 주더군… 미칠 것 같았지. 전
철 문을 부숴버리고 싶었었소… 2주 동안 매일 밤 같은 시각에 그곳에 갔었지만, 그
소녀를 다시 볼 수는 없었소. 그게 30년 전이고, 지금까지 단 하루도 그때 생각을 안
한 날이 없었소. 다시는 그런 일을 겪고 싶지 않아… 한 곡 추겠소?

[은밀한 유혹] 중 게이지의 대사

Posted by 구름따라